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Tuesday, 15 September 2020 - Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Capital Link's 5th Annual Digital International Shipping Forum - China

Digital Forum

Capital Link's 5th Annual Digital International Shipping Forum - China will take place on September 15 & 16, 2020. It is held in partnership with Columbia Shipmanagement and Singhai Marine Services and with the support of the Shanghai/Pudong Government.

ICBC Leasing is the Lead Sponsor.
WeChat ID: Capital Link

Since its inception, this Forum has been a top-level link between the International and Chinese shipping, financial and business communities by featuring industry leaders, debating latest market trends, and exploring business opportunities.

China has been a major business destination for the international shipping community, providing financing, shipbuilding, cargo trading and more.
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
How to manage in time of crisis

Digital Forum

MDA Hellas, Association for the Care and Welfare of those Afflicted with Neuromuscular Diseases, invites you to a free on-line event organized under the auspices of SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises and the Hellenic - German Chamber of Commerce, on: «How to manage in time of crisis»
Wednesday, 14 October 2020 - Thursday, 15 October 2020
Capital Link’s 12th Annual Digital New York Maritime Forum

Digital Forum

Capital Link’s 12th Annual Digital New York Maritime Forum will take place on Wednesday & Thursday, October 14 -15, 2020. The event is held in partnership with DNB, and in cooperation with Nasdaq and NYSE.

The New York Maritime Forum (NYMF) is both an investment and an industry conference with a double objective:

• To provide an interactive platform for investors, financiers, cargo owners and shipowners to discuss the latest developments in the global shipping, energy and commodity markets, as well as in the financial and capital markets. Also, to address critical topics of the industry such as regulation, technology, innovation and more.

• To showcase and promote the role of New York as a hub for the global maritime community and attract more business to New York targeting a global industry audience.

Traditionally the event features global industry leaders and attracts top level delegates from all over the world. The digital format of the event this years transforms NYMF into a truly global event.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 - Thursday, 22 October 2020
Capital Link’s 7th Analyst & Investors Day Forum

Digital Forum

Capital Link’s 7th Analyst & Investors Day Forum will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, October 21 & 22, as a digital conference, and part of the Posidonia Web Forums Week.

Over a two-day period, Wednesday-Thursday, October 21-22, Capital Link is hosting a pioneering digital forum that will showcase:

• the thought leadership of Greek Shipping on critical industry issues
• its significance and contribution to the global economy and trade
• its ability to help move the industry forward.

Greek shipowners are the partners of choice for a huge number of businesses around the globe. The Forum will feature exclusively Greek Shipowners on the panels sharing their industry insight with a global audience. It is the first time that a forum of such nature and structure is taking place covering all major industry topics as well as topics related to the Greek Shipping Cluster.

Virtual Event:

We are using a highly sophisticated Digital Conference Platform which besides maximizing the quality of the live sessions, it also provides for great online interaction amongst delegates and also features Digital Booths where companies can feature their materials.
Monday, 09 November 2020
How to Balance Sustainability with an Urgent Present and Uncertain Future

How to Balance Sustainability with an Urgent Present and Uncertain Future

Faced with multiple crises and new pressures in 2020, companies are compelled to support people and communities in new ways while also maintaining focus on long-term strategy and aspirations.

Join 3BL Media and Frank O'Brien Bernini of Owens Corning on November 9 at 2:15 pm to hear about how the sustainability sector has changed — and the urgency of continued action in light of the new challenges we face.

As the longest-serving chief sustainability officer in a public company, Frank offers a unique perspective on how environmental and social sustainability has evolved.
Thursday, 28 January 2021
Capital Link German Maritime Forum


Capital Link’s Annual German Forum will take place on Thursday, January 28, 2021. The event is held in partnership with DNV GL and with the support of the German Shipowner’s Association (VDR).

Germany commands the fifth largest merchant fleet in the world and boasts the second largest container fleet with 14.4% market share by TEU. With 316 companies and 2,140 vessels, German Shipping plays a pivotal role in the European and global supply chain.

The German maritime community has gone through significant change and transformation across the board (shipowning, shipmanagement, finance and more) further accelerated by regulation, technology, market forces and the pandemic.

The forum will feature German industry leaders on the various panels sharing their insight on issues specific to the German Maritime Community/Cluster and also on critical global industry topics. The digital nature of the event opens it to a global audience and makes this approach highly relevant and effective.
Wednesday, 14 April 2021 - Thursday, 15 April 2021
Capital Link Decarbonization in Shipping Forum: "Moving from Discussion to Delivery"


This two-day event held in digital format aims to combine two main features providing a forum true to the goal of “Moving from Discussion to Delivery”.

First, a comprehensive global blueprint that will cover the Roadmap of Decarbonization from A-Z. It will position shipping within the context of broader initiatives and will then will then focus on shipping itself addressing all relevant core topics and issues. It will include topics on regulations, fuels, technology, infrastructure and more.
Second, it will offer practical suggestions as to the next steps for all stakeholders to achieve the goal of net-zero emissions. It will focus on options and strategies for the existing fleet as well as for newbuildings and the ships of the future. It will also highlight the role and context of the various initiatives by regulators, industry organizations, charterers and financiers.
Wednesday, 21 April 2021 - Thursday, 22 April 2021
11th Annual Capital Link Sustainability Forum


This year’s Forum title is: “Tackling Social & Economic Transformation / Sustainable Growth: Environment - Economy - Society”.

With the covid reality as a preamble and having left behind an admittedly challenging year for the global community and the economy, we are here today ready to face the new year with a renewed sense of optimism and certainty. This new perspective is created by the accelerated digital transformation and the transition to the digital economy, and is predicated on the assessment that these conditions will strengthen the global economic activity and allow for a return to growth.

The use of EUR 70 billion funds that Greece will receive from the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the form of subsidies and low-interest loans, in key sectors such as renewable energy, tourism, transport and the agri-food sector, is a decisive step towards the consolidated transition of the economic system towards sustainable growth model, with the banking sector playing a key role in effectively tackling climate change and adopting a new growth model.

This year’s Capital Link Sustainability Forum examines how each sector contributes to this transformation in the best way to benefit the Greek Economy and Society.
Wednesday, 26 May 2021 - Thursday, 27 May 2021
Capital Link Maritime Forum - Norway


Capital Link Maritime Forum - Norway will take place on Wednesday & Thursday, May 26 & 27, 2021 as a digital event. This event is held in partnership with DNV, with the support of Norwegian Shipowners Association, and in conjunction with the Nor-Shipping "Ocean Now", June 1 & 2, 2021.

Featuring a comprehensive agenda, addressing all major areas of the maritime cluster, panelists will discuss topics of relevance to the global maritime industry and to the Norwegian maritime cluster, featuring major stakeholders from the shipping, financial and broader maritime community.

This forum aims to showcase the industry and thought leadership of the Norwegian maritime community to a global audience. Norway has a leading position in global shipping and the forum presents a unique opportunity to share into the insight of Norwegian industry leaders.
Tuesday, 08 June 2021 - Wednesday, 09 June 2021
11th Annual Capital Link Operational Excellence in Shipping Forum


Best Industry Practices - A Competitive Advantage

Capital Link is hosting the 11th Annual Operational Excellence in Shipping Forum on Tuesday & Wednesday, June 8 & 9, 2021 as a digital conference.

With a 11-year track record it is the only Forum that showcases Operational Excellence in the Maritime Sector and explores Best Industry Practices across all major areas such as fleet management, technological innovation, crewing, energy efficiency and the environment, safety & security. Special attention will be paid to the continued operational challenges posed from the Covid-19 reality, to sustainability and ESG considerations and new challenges on ship safety, security and human resources.

The forum provides an interactive platform on the topic of Operational Excellence, Best Industry Practices and Sustainability linking shipping companies, charterers, government and non-government industry associations, classification societies, P&I Clubs, Registries, technology & service providers and the financial and investment community.

This year’s forum will once more feature industry leaders from all over the world, connected on-line and addressing a global audience.

Day 1 - Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Keynote Address delivered by Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary General - International Maritime Organization
Addressing Industry Challenges – Industry Preparedness For The Road Ahead
Optimizing Fleet Management In The Post Covid-10 Era – Lessons Learned & Experiences Gained
Shipping In The Age Of Technological Transformation – Prioritizing Among So Many Needs & So Many Options
Crewing – The Crisis Continues – Is There An End In Sight?
Addressing The Shipping Industry’s Crewing Needs Now & Beyond Covid-19 – Short Term Responses & Longer - Term Pursuits
Services Focusing On The Welfare Of Seafarers
Fighting In The Trenches – The Ship Captain’s Perspective
Rallying Around Charities That Support The Welfare Of Seafarers – Addressing The Indian Crisis & Beyond
Chinese Seafarers For International Shipping Companies

Day 2 - Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Keynote Address – Safety First – Changing The Way The Industry Thinks About Safety - Dr. Grahaeme Henderson OBE, Shell Trading
Upholding Safety Standards Across The Globe
Operational Excellence – Supporting The Transactional Needs Of Shipping Across The Globe
Supporting The Shipping Industry Through Innovation, Regulatory Compliance & Transformation
Cybersecurity – Ignore It At Your Own Risk
Decarbonization – Adapting Fleet Operations To Meet Regulatory Requirements
Sustainability – Operational Excellence & ESG As A Corporate Strategy