CSR in Greece


CSR in Greece » NGOs » NGO Profile » E.M.E.I.S.
Please note that some NGOs information regarding is only in Greek.
NGO name/title: E.M.E.I.S.
Legal form: E.M.E.I.S. is the only non-profit charitable organization in Greece which provides breast cancer treatment to patients who find themselves vulnerable unemployed, uninsured, immigrants, men & women who are permanent residents in Greece regardless of nation
Starting year of activity: 2010
Brief profile: 1. Complete diagnostic, surgical, therapeutic and psychological treatment to more than 140 women with breast cancer.

2. Over more than 7.000 free clinical cancer diagnostics tests to women all over Greece residing in isolated, inaccessible rural areas in order to raise awareness among the general population.

3. The organization of IBUS (International Breast Ultrasound School).

4. Training support to 27 young doctors and nursing staff to attend specialized medical seminars relating to breast health care.

Particularly during this difficult time, we are experiencing in our country, we wish our activities to act as an open invitation-challenge, not just to our members but to all who empathize with our vision, to join with us in fighting the battle against breast cancer
Other information: ---
Sector(s) activity:
Address: Postal code: 115 26
City: Greek state:
Website: www.emeis.com.gr
Contact person:
e-mail: emeis@emeis.com.gr fax: