CSR in Greece


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Konstantinos Tsegas, Secretary General of Greek National Tourism Organization at the 8th Capital Link CSR in Greece Forum 2018
Konstantinos Tsegas -
Παρασκευή, 29 Ιουνίου 2018

Good evening and welcome to the 8th annual Capital Link conference, which is under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism. The Greek National Tourism Organization participates in the conference as a sponsor.

This year the conference, is aiming to inform all of us, about the globalization of the Greek entrepreneurship. Lots of business sectors in Greece can play a decisive role to the development and evolution of the country’s financial status quo.

Investments and infrastructures in the fields of energy and tourism, can and must have a huge impact in order to boost the economy. We cannot imagine any kind of accomplishment, without taking into consideration the importance of sustainability. Companies, must operate under this target. Being extrovert shouldn’t underestimate the goal for sustainability.

The Greek National Tourism Organization, develops policies and strategies which respect this target and generally the environmental status. We emphasize simultaneously, to the boost of the Greek economy through specific touristic approaches and to the improvement of the living conditions of the citizens.

This conference gives to new business sectors the opportunity to present themselves and introduce their product to a large audience. New companies and start-ups can be really successful by being extrovert and by taking into account, the chances of a more long-term planning strategy.

Tourism is the pillar of the Greek economy, often called its engine. It would be strategically correct, for small businesses and start-ups, to somehow connect their product and to create communication channels in the long run, with the pillars of the development of a country’s economy.

Greek National Tourism Organization, will continue the implementation of its strategic policies with respect to sustainability and invites different business sectors, to operate under this example.

Thank you

Konstantinos Tsegas
Secretary General
of Greek National Tourism Organization