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Nitzia Logothetis, Founder and Executive Chairwoman, Seleni Institute, receives the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Award for Excellence at the 23rd Annual Leadership 100 Conference, February 15th, 2014, Naples, Florida.
Seleni Institute -
Παρασκευή, 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

New York City-based Seleni Institute is transforming mental health and wellness for the women of the world by increasing:

• The availability and accessibility of mental health and wellness support for women and their families by providing individual therapy; support and new moms groups; breastfeeding and sleep workshops and clinics; and massage and acupuncture.

• Emotional support for women worldwide, through reasoned and practical insight and information, online at seleni.org; and

• Knowledge and understanding of reproductive and maternal mental health through research funding.

Mental health issues surrounding fertility and motherhood affect millions of women each year. The Seleni Institute supports women experiencing:

• Depression and anxiety, before, during and after pregnancy
• Infertility
• Miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss
• Pregnancy complications
• Infant bonding and attachment issues
• Sleep and feeding issues
• Relationship/marital troubles
• Parenting and motherhood concerns
